43 year old male patient came to the clinic on 25 March 2015. Shingles had developed since a week ago on his left chest wall from back to front, presenting as an angry red rash with blisters across his torso. There is a sensation of tightness and fullness on the skin of his abdomen.
He was given acupuncture using Houxi (SI3) and Loo Point.
3 days later when he returned, most of the redness had subsided and the skin rash dried up with promising skin regeneration.
As shingles is the reactivation of the dormant herpes zoster virus attacking the nerves in the spinal cord, our treatment has to be targeted at the energy flow in the spine.
The acupuncture point, Houxi (SI3) is used as the master point of the Du channel which runs along the spine. Loo point, identified and named after dermatologist Cyrus Loo, is located on the lateral aspect of the ankle, between BL62 and GB40.
Houxi (SI3) coupled with Loo point, needled bilaterally, affects the energy flow along the Du channel and the spine, hence promoting the recovery of shingles.
Hi Bill
I was student of you from SITCM. I had a research method class with you when I was first year student.
I had a look of your website and read Blog, it’s really nice. Just one thing I would like correct is ” Loo Point ” is located between BL62 and GB 40, not BL 62 and BL40. I know it’s just mistake. Good articles, Thank you.
Hi Jin, thank you for your comment and sharp eagle eyes. We hope you are well and look forward to catching up with you sometime.